Interface | Description |
Channel |
Represents a
Guild channel. |
Guild |
Represents a Discord
Guild . |
Message |
Represents a Text message received from Discord.
This repsents message received from both TextChannels
and from PrivateChannels . |
MessageChannel |
Represents a Discord channel that can have messages and files sent to it.
MessageEmbed |
Represents an embed displayed by Discord.
This class has many possibilities for null values, so be careful! |
PermissionOverride | |
PrivateChannel |
Represents the connection used for direct messaging.
Role | |
SelfInfo |
Represents the currently logged in account.
User |
Represents a Discord User.
VoiceChannel |
Represents a Discord Voice Channel.
VoiceStatus |
Class | Description |
Message.Attachment |
Represents a
Message file attachment. |
MessageEmbed.Provider |
Multipurpose class that represents a provider of content,
whether directly through creation or indirectly through hosting.
MessageEmbed.Thumbnail |
Represents the information Discord provided about a thumbnail image that should be
displayed with an embed message.
MessageEmbed.VideoInfo |
Represents the information provided to embed a video.
The videos represented are expected to be played using an HTML5 player from the site which the url belongs to. |
TextChannel |
Represents a Discord Text Channel.