Interface ConsumableRemoveEffect

All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationSerializable, ConsumableEffect

public interface ConsumableRemoveEffect extends ConsumableEffect
Represent the effects to be removed when an item is consumed.
  • Method Details

    • getEffectTypes

      @NotNull List<PotionEffectType> getEffectTypes()
      Gets the effects which may be removed by this item when consumed.
      the effects
    • setEffectTypes

      void setEffectTypes(@NotNull List<PotionEffectType> effects)
      Sets the effects which may be removed by this item when consumed.
      effects - new effects
    • addEffectType

      @NotNull PotionEffectType addEffectType(@NotNull PotionEffectType effect)
      Adds an effect which may be applied by this item when consumed.
      effect - the effect
      the added effect