Interface Vault

All Superinterfaces:
BlockState, Metadatable, PersistentDataHolder, TileState

@Experimental public interface Vault extends TileState
Represents a captured state of a vault.
  • Method Details

    • getActivationRange

      double getActivationRange()
      Gets the distance at which a player must enter for this vault to activate.
      the distance at which a player must enter for this vault to activate.
    • setActivationRange

      void setActivationRange(double range)
      Sets the distance at which a player must enter for this vault to activate.
      range - the distance at which a player must enter for this vault to activate.
    • getDeactivationRange

      double getDeactivationRange()
      Gets the distance at which a player must exit for the vault to deactivate.
      the distance at which a player must exit for the vault to deactivate.
    • setDeactivationRange

      void setDeactivationRange(double range)
      Sets the distance at which a player must exit for this vault to deactivate.
      range - the distance at which a player must exit for this vault to deactivate.
    • getLootTable

      @NotNull LootTable getLootTable()
      Gets the LootTable this vault will pick rewards from.
      the loot table
    • setLootTable

      void setLootTable(@NotNull LootTable table)
      Sets the LootTable this vault will pick rewards from.
      table - the loot table
    • getDisplayLootTable

      @Nullable LootTable getDisplayLootTable()
      Gets the LootTable this vault will display items from.
      If this value is null the regular loot table will be used to display items.
      the loot table to display items from
    • setDisplayLootTable

      void setDisplayLootTable(@Nullable LootTable table)
      Sets the LootTable this vault will display items from.
      If this value is set to null the regular loot table will be used to display items.
      table - the loot table to display items from
    • getKeyItem

      @NotNull ItemStack getKeyItem()
      Gets the ItemStack players must use to unlock this vault.
      the key item
    • setKeyItem

      void setKeyItem(@NotNull ItemStack keyItem)
      Sets the ItemStack players must use to unlock this vault.
      keyItem - the key item
    • getRewardedPlayers

      @NotNull Set<UUID> getRewardedPlayers()
      Gets the players who have already received rewards from this vault.
      unmodifiable set of player UUIDs
      IllegalStateException - if this block state is not placed