Class EntityPortalEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EntityPortalEvent extends EntityTeleportEvent
Called when a non-player entity is about to teleport because it is in contact with a portal.

For players see PlayerPortalEvent

  • Constructor Details

    • EntityPortalEvent

      public EntityPortalEvent(@NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Location from, @Nullable Location to)
    • EntityPortalEvent

      public EntityPortalEvent(@NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Location from, @Nullable Location to, int searchRadius)
    • EntityPortalEvent

      public EntityPortalEvent(@NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Location from, @Nullable Location to, int searchRadius, boolean canCreatePortal, int creationRadius)
  • Method Details

    • setSearchRadius

      public void setSearchRadius(int searchRadius)
      Set the Block radius to search in for available portals.
      searchRadius - the radius in which to search for a portal from the location
    • getSearchRadius

      public int getSearchRadius()
      Gets the search radius value for finding an available portal.
      the currently set search radius
    • getCanCreatePortal

      public boolean getCanCreatePortal()
      Returns whether the server will attempt to create a destination portal or not.
      whether there should create be a destination portal created
    • setCanCreatePortal

      public void setCanCreatePortal(boolean canCreatePortal)
      Sets whether the server should attempt to create a destination portal or not.
      canCreatePortal - Sets whether there should be a destination portal created
    • setCreationRadius

      public void setCreationRadius(int creationRadius)
      Sets the maximum radius the world is searched for a free space from the given location. If enough free space is found then the portal will be created there, if not it will force create with air-space at the target location. Does not apply to end portal target platforms which will always appear at the target location.
      creationRadius - the radius in which to create a portal from the location
    • getCreationRadius

      public int getCreationRadius()
      Gets the maximum radius the world is searched for a free space from the given location. If enough free space is found then the portal will be created there, if not it will force create with air-space at the target location. Does not apply to end portal target platforms which will always appear at the target location.
      the currently set creation radius
    • getHandlers

      @NotNull public HandlerList getHandlers()
      getHandlers in class EntityTeleportEvent
    • getHandlerList

      @NotNull public static HandlerList getHandlerList()