Interface BaseSpawner

All Known Subinterfaces:
CreatureSpawner, Spawner, SpawnerMinecart, TrialSpawnerConfiguration

public interface BaseSpawner
Represents a basic entity spawner.
May be a SpawnerMinecart, CreatureSpawner or TrialSpawnerConfiguration.
  • Method Details

    • getSpawnedType

      @Nullable EntityType getSpawnedType()
      Get the spawner's creature type.
      The creature type or null if it not set.
    • setSpawnedType

      void setSpawnedType(@Nullable EntityType creatureType)
      Set the spawner's creature type.
      This will override any entities that have been added with addPotentialSpawn(org.bukkit.entity.EntitySnapshot, int, org.bukkit.block.spawner.SpawnRule)
      creatureType - The creature type or null to clear.
    • getDelay

      int getDelay()
      Get the spawner's delay.
      This is the delay, in ticks, until the spawner will spawn its next mob.
      The delay.
    • setDelay

      void setDelay(int delay)
      Set the spawner's delay.
      delay - The delay.
    • getRequiredPlayerRange

      int getRequiredPlayerRange()
      Get the maximum distance(squared) a player can be in order for this spawner to be active.
      If this value is less than or equal to 0, this spawner is always active (given that there are players online).
      Default value is 16.
      the maximum distance(squared) a player can be in order for this spawner to be active.
    • setRequiredPlayerRange

      void setRequiredPlayerRange(int requiredPlayerRange)
      Set the maximum distance (squared) a player can be in order for this spawner to be active.
      Setting this value to less than or equal to 0 will make this spawner always active (given that there are players online).
      requiredPlayerRange - the maximum distance (squared) a player can be in order for this spawner to be active.
    • getSpawnRange

      int getSpawnRange()
      Get the radius around which the spawner will attempt to spawn mobs in.
      This area is square, includes the block the spawner is in, and is centered on the spawner's x,z coordinates - not the spawner itself.
      It is 2 blocks high, centered on the spawner's y-coordinate (its bottom); thus allowing mobs to spawn as high as its top surface and as low as 1 block below its bottom surface.
      Default value is 4.
      the spawn range
    • setSpawnRange

      void setSpawnRange(int spawnRange)
      Set the new spawn range.
      spawnRange - the new spawn range
      See Also:
    • getSpawnedEntity

      @Nullable EntitySnapshot getSpawnedEntity()
      Gets the EntitySnapshot that will be spawned by this spawner or null if no entities have been assigned to this spawner.

      All applicable data from the spawner will be copied, such as custom name, health, and velocity.

      the entity snapshot or null if no entities have been assigned to this spawner.
    • setSpawnedEntity

      void setSpawnedEntity(@Nullable EntitySnapshot snapshot)
      Sets the entity that will be spawned by this spawner.
      This will override any previous entries that have been added with addPotentialSpawn(org.bukkit.entity.EntitySnapshot, int, org.bukkit.block.spawner.SpawnRule)

      All applicable data from the snapshot will be copied, such as custom name, health, and velocity.

      snapshot - the entity snapshot or null to clear
    • setSpawnedEntity

      void setSpawnedEntity(@NotNull SpawnerEntry spawnerEntry)
      Sets the SpawnerEntry that will be spawned by this spawner.
      This will override any previous entries that have been added with addPotentialSpawn(org.bukkit.entity.EntitySnapshot, int, org.bukkit.block.spawner.SpawnRule)
      spawnerEntry - the spawner entry to use
    • addPotentialSpawn

      void addPotentialSpawn(@NotNull EntitySnapshot snapshot, int weight, @Nullable SpawnRule spawnRule)
      Adds a new EntitySnapshot to the list of entities this spawner can spawn.

      The weight will determine how often this entry is chosen to spawn, higher weighted entries will spawn more often than lower weighted ones.
      The SpawnRule will determine under what conditions this entry can spawn, passing null will use the default conditions for the given entity.

      snapshot - the snapshot that will be spawned
      weight - the weight
      spawnRule - the spawn rule for this entity, or null
    • addPotentialSpawn

      void addPotentialSpawn(@NotNull SpawnerEntry spawnerEntry)
      Adds a new SpawnerEntry to the list of entities this spawner can spawn.
      spawnerEntry - the spawner entry to use
      See Also:
    • setPotentialSpawns

      void setPotentialSpawns(@NotNull Collection<SpawnerEntry> entries)
      Sets the list of SpawnerEntry this spawner can spawn.
      This will override any previous entries added with addPotentialSpawn(org.bukkit.entity.EntitySnapshot, int, org.bukkit.block.spawner.SpawnRule)
      entries - the list of entries
    • getPotentialSpawns

      @NotNull List<SpawnerEntry> getPotentialSpawns()
      Gets a list of potential spawns from this spawner or an empty list if no entities have been assigned to this spawner.
      Changes made to the returned list will not be reflected in the spawner unless applied with setPotentialSpawns(java.util.Collection<org.bukkit.block.spawner.SpawnerEntry>)
      a list of potential spawns from this spawner, or an empty list if no entities have been assigned to this spawner
      See Also: