All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract for all keyword trigger types.
Abstract builder implementation of MessageRequest.
Common features of all RestActions that create a new thread.
Abstract base class for all trigger configurations.
Abstraction for requests related to webhook executions.
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for the logged in account.
Represents the type of account that is logged in.
Component which supports interactions via ComponentInteraction.
One row of components.
ActionTypes for AuditLogEntry instances
Found via AuditLogEntry.getType()
Represents a Discord Activity.
The activity being executed, differentiating between, amongst others, playing, listening and streaming.
Represents the start and end timestamps for a running match
Enum representing the flags in a RichPresence
Implementation for IEventManager which checks for SubscribeEvent annotations on both static and member methods.
Configuration for the SPAM trigger.
Indicates that the Privileges of an application-command on a guild changed.
Represents a Custom Emoji hosted on the Bot Account.
Manager providing functionality to update the name field for an ApplicationEmoji.
Represents a Discord Application from its bot's point of view.
Flag constants corresponding to the Discord Enum
OAuth2 install parameter for the default in-app authorization link.
Configuration of a single IntegrationType.
Meta-data for the team of an application.
Indicates that the Privileges of an application changed.
Represents files that are attached to requests.
A utility class to retrieve attachments.
Represents existing message attachment.
Represents a Guild Channel that is capable of handling audio.
Manager providing functionality common for all AudioChannels.
A union representing all channel types that implement AudioChannel.
AudioManager deals with creating, managing and severing audio connections to VoiceChannels.
Controller used by JDA to ensure the native binaries for opus en-/decoding are available.
Interface used to receive audio from Discord through JDA.
Interface used to send audio to Discord through JDA.
Extension of RestAction to allow setting a reason.
Plain-Old-Java-Object (POJO) representing a single change for an AuditLogEntry!
This object holds the old- and new value for the updated field.
Single entry for an AuditLogPaginationAction.
Enum of possible/expected keys that can be provided to AuditLogEntry.getChangeByKey(AuditLogEntry.AuditLogKey.
Enum constants for possible options
Providing detailed description of possible occasions and expected types.
PaginationAction that paginates the audit logs endpoint.
An InteractionCallbackAction that can be used to suggest auto-complete choices.
The query input for an auto-complete interaction.
The type of event an AutoModRule is triggered by.
Event triggered by an AutoModRule activation.
Indicates that an automated AutoModResponse has been triggered through an AutoModRule.
An automated response to an AutoModRule.
The type of response.
Rule used for auto-moderation in a Guild.
Keyword presets that can be used in AutoModRule.getFilteredPresets().
Indicates that an AutoModRule was created.
Data class used to create new AutoModRules.
Indicates that an AutoModRule was deleted.
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for an AutoModRule.
Indicates that an AutoModRule was updated.
The type which defines what triggers an AutoModRule.
PaginationAction that paginates the guild bans endpoint.
Information describing a forum tag.
Represents a Message Button.
Interaction on a Button component.
Indicates that a custom Button on one of the bots messages was clicked by a user.
The available styles used for Buttons.
Flags used to enable cache services for JDA.
Requests which can use cached values instead of making a request to Discord.
Read-only view on internal JDA cache of items.
Basic implementation of CacheView interface.
Represents a channel category in the official Discord API.
Manager providing methods to modify a Category.
An extension of ChannelOrderAction with similar functionality, but constrained to the bounds of a single Category.
Abstract Channel interface for all ChannelTypes.
Extension of RestAction specifically designed to create a GuildChannel.
Specialized SnowflakeCacheView type used for handling channels.
Indicates that a Channel was created.
Indicates that a Channel was deleted.
This enum represents the attributes of a channel that can be modified by events.
Flags for specific channel settings.
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for a GuildChannel.
Implementation of OrderAction to modify the order of Channels for a Guild.
Enum used to differentiate between the different types of Discord channels.
A union representing all channel types that implement Channel.
Indicates that the tags applied to a forum post thread have been updated.
Indicates that a Channel's archived state has been updated.
Indicates that a Channel's archival timestamp was updated.
Indicates that a Channel's auto archive duration has been updated.
Indicates that a Channel's bitrate has been updated.
Indicates that the default layout of a ForumChannel changed.
Indicates that the default reaction emoji of a IPostContainer changed.
Indicates that the default sort order of a IPostContainer changed.
Indicates that the default thread slowmode of a thread container channel changed.
Indicates that the flags of a Channel changed.
Indicates that a Channel's invitable state has been updated.
Indicates that a Channel's locked state has been updated.
Indicates that a Channel's name has been updated.
Indicates that a Channels nsfw state has been updated.
Indicates that a Channel's parent has been updated.
Indicates that a Channel's position has been updated.
Indicates that a Channel's region has been updated.
Indicates that a Channel's slow mode has been updated.
Indicates that a Channel's topic has been updated.
Indicates that a Channel's ChannelType was updated.
Indicates that a Channel's user limit was updated.
Indicates that a Channel's voice channel status has been updated.
Filter function for member chunking of guilds.
The type of client a user might be active on.
Iterator holding a resource that must be free'd by the consumer.
Constants representing main gateway close codes with association to an explaining message.
Represents a packet of combined audio data from 0 to n Users.
Represents a Discord slash-command.
Predefined choice used for options.
An Option for a command.
An Subcommand for a command.
An Subcommand Group for a command.
Possible command types
Interaction for auto-complete options in slash-commands.
Indicates that a user is typing in an option which supports auto-complete.
Specialized RestAction used to create or update commands.
Builder for Application Commands.
Specialized RestAction used to edit an existing command.
Interaction of any Application Command.
Interactions which provide command data.
Specialized RestAction used to replace existing commands of a guild or globally.
Provides various static factory methods for building commands of different types.
Component of a Message or Modal.
The component types
Interaction on a message ActionComponent.
Compression algorithms that can be used with JDA.
Implementation of SessionController which respects concurrent shard login.
Used to monitor an audio connection, ping, and speaking users.
Represents the connection status of an audio connection.
Used to pass a context to async exception handling for debugging purposes.
Wrapper for a failure Consumer that carries a ContextException as cause.
Represents application comments which are invoked as context menu items in the client UI.
The target type, of a context interaction.
Represents a minimal custom emoji.
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for an RichCustomEmoji.
Configuration for a KEYWORD trigger.
Represents a list of values used in communication with the Discord API.
Represents a map of values used in communication with the Discord API.
This utility class can be used to access nested values within DataObjects and DataArrays.
Enum constants representing possible types for a DataObject value.
A specialized union representing all channel types that can be used for the "default" channel for Guild.getDefaultChannel() or Member.getDefaultChannel().
Represents the default permissions for a Discord Application-Command.
The default implementation of the IAudioSendFactory.
The default implementation of the IAudioSendSystem.
JDA's default ShardManager implementation.
Used to create new instances of JDA's default ShardManager implementation.
Specialized CompletableFuture used in combination with a scheduler.
In combination with Deprecated specifies when this feature was marked as deprecated.
Indicates that the operation cannot be done on a detached entity.
Direct access to internal gateway communication.
Enum representing the locales that Discord supports.
Builder system used to build MessageEmbeds.
Represents the embedded resource type.
Represents a Discord Emoji.
Possible emoji types.
Indicates that a new Custom Emoji was added to a Guild.
Indicates that a Custom Emoji was removed from a Guild.
Represents possible Emoji types.
Indicates that the name of a Custom Emoji changed.
Indicates that the role whitelist for a Custom Emoji changed.
Represents a user or guild that has access to a premium offering in your application.
Represents the type of this Entitlement
Indicates that a user subscribed to a SKU.
Indicates that an Entitlement was deleted.
PaginationAction that paginates the application entitlements endpoint.
Indicates an Entitlement has renewed for the next billing period.
Component Interaction for a EntitySelectMenu.
Indicates that a custom EntitySelectMenu on one of the bots messages was used by a user.
Specialized SelectMenu for selecting Discord entities.
A preconfigured builder for the creation of entity select menus.
Represents the default values used in EntitySelectMenu.getDefaultValues().
Supported entity types for a EntitySelectMenu.
Utility class to simplify error handling with RestActions and ErrorResponses.
Constants for easy use in ErrorResponseException and ErrorHandler.
Indicates an unhandled error that is returned by Discord API Request using RestAction
It holds an ErrorResponse
Schema error which supplies more context to a ErrorResponse.
Top-level event type
All events JDA fires are derived from this class.
JDA pushes GenericEvents to the registered EventListeners.
Indicates that JDA encountered a Throwable that could not be forwarded to another end-user frontend.
Decodes an ETF encoded payload to a java object representation.
Encodes an object into a binary ETF representation.
Tags used for encoding and decoding for external terms.
A utility class to download files.
Represents a file that is intended to be uploaded to Discord for arbitrary requests.
Interface used to mixin the customization parameters for AuditableRestActions.
Interface used to mixin the customization parameters for RestActions.
Functionality annotated with ForRemoval will no longer be supported and should not be used anymore in new code.
A Forum Channel which contains Forum Posts.
The layout used to sort forum posts.
Manager providing functionality to modify a ForumChannel.
Result of creating a post in a ForumChannel.
Extension of RestAction specifically designed to create new Forum Post Threads.
Represents a Discord Forum Tag.
Indicates that a new ForumTag was added to a IPostContainer.
Data class used to create or update existing forum tags.
Indicates that a ForumTag was removed from a IPostContainer.
Minimal representation for a forum tag.
Indicates that the emoji of a ForumTag changed.
Indicates that the moderated status of a ForumTag changed.
Indicates that the name of a ForumTag changed.
Encoding mode used by the gateway for incoming and outgoing payloads.
Flags which enable or disable specific events from the discord gateway.
Indicates that the gateway ping has been updated by the heartbeat cycle.
Indicates that a user is typing in an auto-complete interactive field.
Indicates that an AutoModRule was created/removed/updated.
Top-level channel event type
All channel events JDA fires are derived from this class.
Top-level channel update event type indicating that a field of a Channel was updated.
Indicates that a CommandInteraction was used.
Indicates that a ComponentInteraction was created in a channel.
Indicates that a ContextInteraction was used.
Indicates that a Custom Emoji was created/removed/updated.
Indicates that an Custom Emoji was updated.
Indicates that an Entitlement was either created, updated, or deleted
Interface for events supported by EventManagers.
Abstraction of all tags relating to ForumTag changes (excluding ThreadChannel.getAppliedTags()).
Abstraction of all ForumTag updates.
Indicates that a Guild event is fired.
Indicates that an Invite was created or deleted in a Guild.
Indicates that a Guild member event is fired.
Indicates that a Guild member event is fired.
Indicates that an GuildSticker was created/removed/updated.
Indicates that an GuildSticker was updated.
Indicates that a Guild was updated.
Indicates that a Guild voice event is fired.
Indicates that an Interaction was created.
Indicates that a Message was created/deleted/changed.
Indicates that a poll vote was added/removed.
Indicates that a MessageReaction was added/removed.
Indicates that a PermissionOverride for a GuildChannel was created, deleted, or updated.
Indicates that the privileges of an integration or its commands changed.
Indicates that a Role was created/deleted/changed.
Indicates that a Role was updated.
Indicates that a gateway event relating to a ScheduledEvent has been fired.
A generic gateway event class representing an update of a ScheduledEvent entity.
Indicates that a User has subscribed or unsubscribed to a ScheduledEvent.
Indicates that a custom SelectMenu on one of the bots messages was used by a user.
Indicates that a SelfUser changed or started an activity.
Events which update the gateway session status.
Indicates that a StageInstance was created/deleted/changed.
Indicates that a StageInstance was updated.
Top-level thread event type
All thread events JDA fires are derived from this class.
Indicates that a ThreadMember event has been fired.
Indicates that a User changed or started an activity.
Indicates that the presence of a User has changed.
Indicates that a user has updated their presence on discord.
Represents a Group DM channel.
Represents a Discord Guild.
Represents a Ban object.
The boost tier for this guild.
The Explicit-Content-Filter Level of a Guild.
Meta-Data for a Guild
Represents the Multifactor Authentication level required by the Guild.
Represents the Notification-level of the Guild.
Represents the NSFW level for this guild.
Represents the idle time allowed until a user is moved to the AFK VoiceChannel if one is set (Guild.getAfkChannel()).
Represents the Verification-Level of the Guild.
RestAction extension specifically designed to allow for the creation of Guilds.
GuildChannel information used for the creation of Channels within the construction of a Guild via GuildAction.
Mutable object containing information on a Role of the resulting Guild that is constructed by a GuildAction instance
Indicates that an AuditLogEntry was added to a Guild.
Indicates that a Guild became available.
Indicates that a User was banned from a Guild.
Represents a Guild channel.
A union representing all channel types that implement GuildChannel.
Indicates that an Invite was created in a Guild.
Indicates than an Invite was deleted from a Guild.
Indicates that you joined a Guild.
Indicates that you left a Guild.
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for a Guild.
Indicates that a Member joined a Guild.
Indicates that a user was removed from a Guild.
Indicates that one or more Roles were assigned to a Member.
Indicates that one or more Roles were removed from a Member.
Indicates that a Member updated their Guild avatar.
Indicates that a Member updated their Guild boost time.
Fired for every Member update, regardless of cache.
Indicates that the Member.getFlags() flags for a Member were updated.
Indicates that a Member updated their Guild nickname.
Indicates that a Member has agreed to Membership Screening requirements.
Indicates that a Member had their time out changed.
Represents all message channels present in guilds.
A union representing all channel types that implement GuildMessageChannel.
Indicates that a Guild finished setting up
This event is fired if a guild finished setting up during login phase.
Custom guild sticker created by a user.
Indicates that a new GuildSticker was added to a Guild.
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for GuildSticker.
Indicates that a new GuildSticker was removed from a Guild.
Indicates that the availability of a GuildSticker changed.
Indicates that the description of a GuildSticker changed.
Indicates that the name of a GuildSticker changed.
Indicates that the tags of a GuildSticker changed.
Indicates that a guild failed to ready up and timed out.
Indicates that a Guild became unavailable.
Indicates that a User was unbanned from a Guild.
Indicates that the afk-channel of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the AFK-Timeout of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the banner of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the boost count of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the boost tier of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the community updates channel of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the description of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the ExplicitContentLevel of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the features of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the Icon of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the DiscordLocale of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the maximum member limit of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the maximum presences limit of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the MFALevel of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the name of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the NotificationLevel of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the NSFWLevel of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the owner of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the rules channel of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the safety alert channel of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the splash of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the system channel of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the vanity url of a Guild changed.
Indicates that the VerificationLevel of a Guild changed.
Indicates that a Member was (un-)deafened.
Indicates that a Member was (un-)deafened by a moderator.
Indicates that a Member was (un-)muted by a moderator.
Indicates that a Member was (un-)muted.
Indicates that a guild member has updated their Request-to-Speak.
Indicates that a Member (un-)deafened itself.
Indicates that a Member (un-)muted itself.
Represents the voice state of a Member in a Guild.
Indicates that a Member started or ended a stream.
Indicates that a Member was (un-)suppressed.
Indicates that a Member joined or left an AudioChannel.
Indicates that a Member turned on their camera.
The welcome screen of a Guild.
POJO for the recommended channels information provided by a welcome screen.
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for a GuildWelcomeScreen.
Exception indicating that a specific action requires to have a higher role than the target.
Indicates an unsuccessful HTTP request.
Indicates that a RestAction has been executed.
Channels which can be set to age-restricted.
Manager abstraction to set whether a channel is NSFW or Age-Restricted.
Factory interface for the creation of new IAudioSendSystem objects.
Interface that acts as a UDP audio packet sending loop.
Interactions which allow auto-complete suggestion replies.
Represents a channel that can be a member of a Category.
Manager abstraction to set the Parent Category of a categorizable channel.
Represents a mentionable slash command.
Icon containing a base64 encoded jpeg/png/gif/gifv image.
Supported image types for the Discord API.
Represents a GuildChannel that is capable of being copied.
Interactions which can be deferred.
Represents an entity which can be detached.
An interface for JDA's EventManager system.
Provides various channel cache getters for Guild channels.
Represents a GuildChannel that can be the target of a Guild's invite.
A utility class to retrieve images.
Represents a GuildChannel that is capable of containing members.
Marks a mentionable entity.
Interactions which allow a target message to be edited on use.
Interactions which allow sending modals as a response.
Specialization of WebhookClient for incoming webhooks.
Functionality annotated with Incubating might change in a future release.
Indicates that the user is missing a Permission for some action.
Includes details about the authorizing user or guild for the installation(s) relevant to the interaction.
Privilege used to restrict access to a command within a Guild.
The target type this privilege applies to.
Represents how an app was installed, or where a command can be used.
Abstract representation for any kind of Discord interaction.
A callback action is used to acknowledge an Interaction.
The possible types of interaction responses.
Represents where commands can be used.
Indicates that an interaction has expired and can no longer be responded to.
Exception caused by the failure of ReplyAction.
Webhook API for an interaction.
Enum for interaction types.
An IEventManager implementation that uses the EventListener interface for event listeners.
Indicates that an invalid token was given when trying to login the Discord API
Representation of a Discord Invite.
POJO for the channel information provided by an invite.
POJO for the target application information provided by an invite.
POJO for the group information provided by an invite.
POJO for the guild information provided by an invite.
POJO for the target of this invite.
Enum representing the type of an invite.
A TargetType indicates additional action to be taken by the client on accepting the invite, typically connecting external services or launching external applications depending on the specific TargetType.
Invite Builder system created as an extension of RestAction
Provides an easy way to gather and deliver information to Discord to create Invites.
Consumer accepting two arguments and throwing IOException.
Consumer accepting one argument and throwing IOException.
Function accepting one argument and throwing IOException.
Represents the connection between a IAudioSendSystem and JDA's internal audio system, providing access to audio packets built from data provided from AudioSendHandlers.
Represents a GuildChannel that uses Permission Overrides.
Manager abstraction to modify PermissionOverrides of a permission containing channel.
A union representing all channel types that implement IPermissionContainer.
Marker for entities that hold Permissions within JDA
Represents a GuildChannel that has a position.
Manager abstraction to modify the position of a positionable channel.
A channel which contains Forum Posts.
The order used to sort forum posts.
Manager abstraction to configure settings related to forum post containers, such as ForumChannel.
Replaced with Button.premium(SkuSnowflake), see the Discord change logs for more details.
Interactions which allow message replies in the channel they were used in.
Channels which support slowmode.
Manager which supports setting slowmode of a channel.
Marks a snowflake entity.
Component which can be inserted into a LayoutComponent.
Abstraction of all channel types, which can contain or manage ThreadChannels.
Manager abstraction to configure settings related to thread channel containers, such as ForumChannel.
A union representing all channel types that implement IThreadContainer.
Channel with a modifiable voice status.
Represents a GuildChannel that is capable of utilizing webhooks.
A union representing all channel types that implement IWebhookContainer.
The core of JDA.
Represents the information used to create this shard.
Represents the connection status of JDA and its Main WebSocket.
Used to create new JDA instances.
Contains information to this specific build of JDA.
Represents a top-level layout used for ItemComponents such as Buttons.
An abstract implementation of EventListener which divides Events for you.
Internal implementation of ConnectionListener, to handle possible exceptions thrown by user code.
Functional interface accepting a localization key (complete path used to get the appropriate translations) and returning a map of discord locales to their localized strings
Class which contains a mapping from DiscordLocale to a translated String, similar to a Map<DiscordLocale, String>.
Simple implementation of a ClosableIterator that uses a lock.
An implementation of a Least-Recently-Used cache.
Manager<M extends Manager<M>>
Top-level abstraction for managers.
Implements an algorithm that can strip or replace markdown in any supplied string.
Utility class to escape markdown characters.
A Media Channel which contains Forum Posts.
Manager providing functionality to modify a MediaChannel.
Represents a Guild-specific User.
Member flags indicating information about the membership state.
RestAction extension specifically designed to allow bots to add Users to Guilds.
Policy which decides whether a member (and respective user) should be kept in cache.
CacheView implementation specifically to view Members.
Interface to access the mentions of various entities.
Configuration for MENTION_SPAM trigger.
Represents a Text message received from Discord.
Represents a Message file attachment.
Metadata about the interaction, including the source of the interaction and relevant server and user IDs.
Mention constants, useful for use with Patterns
Enum representing the flags on a Message.
Represents a Message activity.
An enum representing MessageActivity types.
Represents the Application of a MessageActivity, if it has been set.
Indicates that a bulk deletion is executed in a GuildMessageChannel.
Represents a Discord channel that can have Messages and files sent to it.
A union representing all channel types that implement MessageChannel.
Interaction with a message context menu command
Indicates that a message context command was used.
Specialized RestAction used for sending messages to MessageChannels.
Builder specialized for building a MessageCreateData.
Output of a MessageCreateBuilder and used for sending messages to channels/webhooks/interactions.
Specialized abstraction of setters and accumulators for creating messages throughout the API.
Represents data relevant to all message requests.
Indicates that a Message was deleted in a MessageChannel.
Specialized RestAction used for editing existing messages in MessageChannels.
Builder specialized for building a MessageEditData.
A InteractionCallbackAction which can be used to edit the message for an interaction.
Output of a MessageEditRequest and used for editing messages in channels/webhooks/interactions.
Specialized abstraction of setters for editing existing messages throughout the API.
Represents an embed displayed by Discord.
Class that represents the author of content, possibly including an icon that Discord proxies.
Represents a field in an embed.
Class that represents a footer at the bottom of an embed
Represents the information provided to embed an image.
Multipurpose class that represents a provider of content, whether directly through creation or indirectly through hosting.
Represents the information Discord provided about a thumbnail image that should be displayed with an embed message.
Represents the information provided to embed a video.
Represents an access point to the Message history of a MessageChannel.
Constructs a MessageHistory object with initially retrieved Messages before or after a certain pivot message id.
PaginationAction that paginates the message history endpoint.
Poll sent with messages.
One of the answers for a poll.
The poll layout.
The question for a poll.
Builder for MessagePollData
A poll that can be attached to a MessageCreateRequest.
Indicates that a user voted for a poll answer.
Indicates that a user removed a vote for a poll answer.
An object representing a single MessageReaction from Discord.
Type of reaction.
Indicates that a user added a reaction to a message
This includes unicode and custom emoji
Indicates that the reactions of a message have been cleared by a moderator
Indicates that all reactions for a specific emoji were removed by a moderator.
Indicates that a user removed the reaction on a message
Indicates that a Message was received in a MessageChannel.
An object representing a reference in a Discord message.
The type of message reference
Abstraction of the common setters used for messages in the API.
Snapshot of a forwarded message.
Represents the different types of Messages that can be received from Discord.
Indicates that a Message was edited in a MessageChannel.
Enum used to specify the HTTP method to use for a request.
Utility methods for various aspects of the API.
Indicates that the user is missing the VIEW_CHANNEL, in addition to VOICE_CONNECT permission if Channel.getType() is an audio type.
Exception occurring on detached entities, indicating that the permissions could not be checked on this combination of channel and member.
Represents a Discord Modal
A preconfigured builder for the creation of modals.
An InteractionCallbackAction that can be used to send Modals.
Interaction on a Modal
Indicates that a Modal was submitted.
ID/Value pair for a ModalInteractionEvent.
Represents StandardGuildMessageChannel that are News Channels.
Manager providing methods to modify a NewsChannel.
Helper class to listen to an event, once.
Builds a one-time event listener, can be reused.
Represents the online presence of a Member.
Builder for a Slash-Command option.
Name/Value pair for a CommandInteraction option.
The available types for Command options.
A raw OPUS packet received from Discord that can be used for lazy decoding.
Extension of RestAction - Type: Void that allows to modify the order of entities provided as an ArrayList.
RestAction specification used to retrieve entities for paginated endpoints (before, after, limit).
Iterator implementation for a PaginationAction.
Defines the pagination order for a pagination endpoint.
Indicates a failure in parsing or deserializing data.
Represents the bit offsets used by Discord for Permissions.
Indicates that the currently logged in account does not meet the specified Permission from PermissionException.getPermission()
Represents the specific Member or Role permission overrides that can be set for channels.
Extension of AuditableRestAction specifically designed to create a PermissionOverride for a GuildChannel.
Indicates that a PermissionOverride in a guild channel has been created.
Indicates that a PermissionOverride in a guild channel has been deleted.
Indicates that a PermissionOverride in a guild channel has been updated.
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for a PermissionOverride.
PaginationAction that paginates the votes for a poll answer.
Replaced with Button.premium(SkuSnowflake) see the Discord change logs for more details.
The Presence associated with the provided JDA instance
Configuration for a KEYWORD_PRESET trigger.
Represents the connection used for direct messaging.
A PrivilegeConfig is the collection of moderator defined privileges set on a specific application and its commands that define what channels the application can be used in and what users/roles are allowed to use it.
Iteration procedure accepting one argument and returning whether to continue iteration.
Indicates that we received a 429: Too Many Requests response
Wrapper for the raw dispatch event received from discord.
PaginationAction that paginates the reaction users endpoint.
Indicates that JDA finished loading all entities.
Represents the Regions used for Audio connections.
Functionality annotated with ReplaceWith should be replaced immediately with the mentioned code fragment.
A InteractionCallbackAction which can be used to send a message reply for an interaction.
Internal class used for representing HTTP requests.
A default implementation for LocalizationFunction
Builder for ResourceBundleLocalizationFunction
Use the factory methods in ResourceBundleLocalizationFunction to create instances of this builder
Internal class used to represent HTTP responses or request failures.
A class representing a terminal between the user and the discord API.
Configuration for REST-request handling.
Implementation of CompletableFuture used for RestAction.submit().
Interface used to handle requests to the Discord API.
Global rate-limit store.
Configuration for the rate-limiter.
Type representing a pending request.
Represents a computation or task result.
Represents a Custom Emoji.
Used to hold additional information about a users Activity relevant to Rich Presence.
Used to hold information on images within a Rich Presence profile
Holds information on a player's party
Covers more details of stickers which are missing in messages.
Represents a Guild's Role.
Tags associated with this role.
Extension of RestAction specifically designed to create a Role.
A metadata record used for role connections.
The type of metadata.
Indicates that a Role was created.
Indicates that a Role was deleted.
An object representing a Role's icon.
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for a Role.
Implementation of OrderAction designed to modify the order of Roles of the specified Guild.
Indicates that a Role updated its color.
Indicates that a Role updated its hoist state.
Indicates that the Icon of a Role changed.
Indicates that a Role updated its mentionable state.
Indicates that a Role updated its name.
Indicates that a Role updated its permissions.
Indicates that a Role updated its position.
Routes for API endpoints.
A class representing a ScheduledEvent (The events that show up under the events tab in the Official Discord Client).
Represents the status of a scheduled event.
Represents what type of event an event is, or where the event will be taking place at.
Extension of RestAction specifically designed to create a ScheduledEvent.
Indicates that a ScheduledEvent object has been created.
Indicates that a ScheduledEvent object has been deleted.
The Manager is providing functionality to update one or more fields of a ScheduledEvent.
PaginationAction that paginates the scheduled event users endpoint.
Indicates the description of a ScheduledEvent has changed.
Indicates the end time of a ScheduledEvent has changed.
Indicates the image of a ScheduledEvent has changed.
Indicates that the location of a ScheduledEvent has changed.
Indicates that the name of a ScheduledEvent has changed.
Indicates the start time of a ScheduledEvent has changed.
Indicates that the status of a ScheduledEvent has changed.
Indicates that a User has subscribed to a ScheduledEvent.
Indicates that a User has unsubscribed from a ScheduledEvent.
Represents a select menu in a message.
A preconfigured builder for the creation of select menus.
Component Interaction for a SelectMenu.
One of the possible options provided in a SelectMenu.
Indicates that the avatar of the current user changed.
Indicates that the discriminator of the current user changed.
Indicates that the global name of the current user changed.
Indicates that the mfa level of the current user changed.
Indicates that the name of the current user changed.
Indicates that the verification state of the current user changed.
Represents the currently logged in account.
A bucket is determined via the Path+Method+Major in the following way: Get Hash from Path+Method (we call this route) Get bucket from Hash+Major (we call this bucketid)
Allows custom serialization for JSON payloads of an object.
Allows custom serialization for JSON payloads of an object.
Controls states and behaviour of one or multiple JDA instances.
Represents a WebSocketClient request to start a session.
POJO containing the gateway endpoint and recommended shard total for a shard manager.
Simple implementation of SessionController without supporting concurrency.
Indicates that JDA has been disconnected from the remote server.
Indicates that the JDA cache has been invalidated.
Indicates if JDA successfully re-established its connection to the gateway.
Indicates that JDA successfully resumed its connection to the gateway.
State of a gateway session.
Read-only view on internal ShardManager cache of JDA instances.
This class acts as a manager for multiple shards.
Indicates that JDA has fully disconnected from Discord and will not attempt to reconnect again.
Represents an abstract SKU reference by only the SKU ID.
Extension of CommandData which allows setting slash-command specific settings such as options and subcommands.
Interaction with a slash command
Indicates that a slash command was used in a MessageChannel.
Represents a slash command mention, such as </ban soft:1021082477038678126>
CacheView implementation specifically to view ISnowflake implementations.
Specialized ChannelCacheView type used for handling sorted lists of channels.
Specialized CacheView for entities that occur in a specified order.
Flags representing the speaking modes used by discord users.
Utility to strategically split strings.
Function which applies a programmable strategy used to determine a splitting point.
Represents a Stage Channel.
Manager providing methods to modify a StageChannel.
A Stage Instance holds information about a live stage.
The privacy level for a stage instance.
Specialized RestAction used to create a StageInstance
Indicates that a StageInstance was created.
Indicates that a StageInstance was deleted.
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for a StageInstance.
Indicates that a StageInstance updated its PrivacyLevel.
Indicates that a StageInstance updated its topic.
Represents a standard GuildChannel which are the "normal" channels that are present in the channel sidebar.
Manager providing functionality common for all StandardGuildChannels.
Represents a standard GuildMessageChannel which are the "normal" message channels that are present in the channel sidebar.
Manager providing functionality common for all StandardGuildMessageChannels.
Standard stickers used for nitro and wave buttons on welcome messages.
Indicates that our Status changed.
Abstract representation of all sticker types.
The various formats used for stickers and the respective file extensions.
The specific types of stickers
Stickers used primarily for message objects.
A pack of StandardStickers used for nitro.
Represents an abstract sticker reference by only the sticker ID.
Represents possible RichSticker types.
Component Interaction for a StringSelectMenu.
Indicates that a custom StringSelectMenu on one of the bots messages was used by a user.
Represents a select menu in a message.
A preconfigured builder for the creation of string select menus.
Builder for a Slash-Command subcommand.
Builder for a Slash-Command group.
Annotation used by the AnnotatedEventManager this is only picked up if the event manager implementation has been set to use the AnnotatedEventManager via JDABuilder.setEventManager(IEventManager)
TargetType for an ActionType
This describes what kind of Discord entity is being targeted by an auditable action!
Represents an asynchronous task.
Member of a ApplicationTeam.
The membership state on the team.
The role in the team.
Representation of a Discord Guild Template
This class is immutable.
POJO for the channels information provided by a template.
Represents the specific Role permission overrides that can be set for channels.
POJO for the guild information provided by a template.
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for a Template.
POJO for the roles information provided by a template.
Extension of RestAction specifically designed to create a Entitlement.
The type of the owner for the entitlement
Represents a Discord Text GuildChannel.
Manager providing functionality common for all TextChannels.
Represents a Discord Text input component
Builder for TextInputs
The different styles a TextInput field can have.
Represents Discord Message Threads of all kinds.
The values permitted for the auto archive duration of a ThreadChannel.
Extension of RestAction specifically designed to create a ThreadChannel.
Manager providing functionality common for all ThreadChannels.
PaginationAction that paginates the thread members endpoint.
Metadata used to create a thread through a webhook message.
This event is dispatched when a ThreadChannel that JDA did have access to is now inaccessible (due to permissions).
Thread-Local audit-log reason used automatically by AuditableRestAction instances when no other reason was set.
Allows to use try-with-resources blocks for setting reasons
A ThreadMember represents a Member's participation in a Thread.
Indicates that a guild Member joined a ThreadChannel.
Indicates that a guild Member left a ThreadChannel.
PaginationAction that paginates the thread members endpoint.
Called by DefaultShardManager when building a JDA instance.
This event is dispatched when a ThreadChannel that JDA didn't previously have access to (due to permissions) is now visible.
Utility enum used to provide different markdown styles for timestamps.
Utility class representing Discord Markdown timestamps.
Utility for various time related features of the API.
Configuration for AutoModRule, which defines under what conditions the rule should be triggered.
Indicates that you joined a Guild that is not yet available.
Indicates that you left a Guild that is not yet available.
Represents a standard unicode emoji such as 😃 (client alias: :smiley:).
CacheView implementation specifically to combine Member cache views.
Indicates that a value of an entity was updated
Represents a Discord User.
Represents the information contained in a User's profile.
Represents the bit offsets used by Discord for public flags
Indicates that a User has stopped an Activity in a Guild.
Indicates that a User has started an Activity in a Guild.
Represents a packet of User specific audio.
Interaction with a user context menu command
Indicates that a user context command was used.
Represents an abstract user reference by only the user ID.
Indicates that a User started typing.
Indicates that the activities of a guild member changed.
Indicates that the Activity order of a User changes.
Indicates that the Avatar of a User changed.
Indicates that the discriminator of a User changed.
Indicates that the UserFlags of a User changed.
Indicates that the global name of a User changed.
Indicates that the username of a User changed.
Indicates that the OnlineStatus of a User changed.
Meta data for the vanity invite of a guild
Represents a Discord Voice GuildChannel.
Manager providing methods to modify a VoiceChannel.
Interceptor used to handle critical voice dispatches.
Wrapper for a Voice Server Update
Wrapper for a Voice State Update
Abstraction for all relevant voice updates
An object representing Webhooks in Discord
Partial Channel which references the source channel for a follower webhook.
Partial Guild which references the source guild for a follower webhook.
Partial Webhook which can be resolved to a Webhook.
Webhook Builder system created as an extension of RestAction
Provides an easy way to gather and deliver information to Discord to create Webhooks.
Interface which allows sending messages through the webhooks API.
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for a Webhook.
Extension of a default RestAction that allows setting message information before sending!
Request to delete a message from a webhook.
Specialized RestAction used to update an existing message sent by a Webhook or InteractionHook.
Request to fetch a message from a webhook.
Types of webhooks.
Represents a guild's widget
Represents a member of a guild
Represents a voice channel
Represents a Member's voice state
The WidgetUtil is a class for interacting with various facets of Discord's guild widgets
Represents the available banner types
Each of these has a different appearance:
Represents the color scheme of the widget
These color themes match Discord's dark and light themes